How To Hire an Artist
What is a commission?
How is a commissioned artwork different than any other artwork?
How do I even go about hiring an artist?
What should I know before committing to a custom piece of art?
These are all questions I’ve heard over and over again in my artistic career. I think a lot of art lovers miss out on the unique collaboration opportunity that is “commissioning an artist” for fear of the unknown. The word “commission” may sound intimidating or exclusive when really, it’s just another way that an artist works with their clients.
When you commission an artist, you are not only trusting them with your money, you are also vulnerably trusting them with your idea, a story, or a photo to create a piece that represents YOU in some way. Therefore, communication and mutual trust between you and your artist is the only way to achieve a final project that successfully depicts your ideas in a beautiful and artistic way.
If you aren’t familiar with the general creative commission process, how can you trust anyone with your ideas or your money? This is where my free guide, “How To Hire an Artist”, comes into play…
In this eight-page, knowledge packed guide, you’ll find:
What commission art is.
Clear explanations of your role as the client and the artist’s role as the creator.
Questions you should ask yourself before hiring an artist.
Questions you should ask your artist before starting the artwork.
Five clearly defined steps on how to actually hire an artist to create a custom art piece for you.
The DO’s and DON’Ts of commissioning an artist
I’ve created this comprehensive guide based on my 9 years of experience working as a commission artist. Looking to hire a sculptor instead of a painter? No worries, this guide is designed to educate on the general art commission process which means it will cover what you should ask of any working artist no matter what their specialty is.
My goal with this guide is to help people understand the seemingly elusive concept of how to hire an artist, so that they don’t miss out on the unique experience of creating custom art inspired by their ideas. Click the link below to download this free guide:
Download My Free “How To Hire an Artist” Guide!
If you still have questions after reading the guide, I’d be so happy to help! Drop your questions in the comments below.
Nice post bro. Murals made on the outside of a commercial business can help bring new customers to the storefront, as the artwork peaks their interest. There is a lot to be revered in a community space that provides a public display of creative value and people are often going to come to visit. I am also bookmarking your website for the future posts.
Thanks for your insight. I feel the info above def. pertains to hiring a muralist as well. Thanks for the bookmark!! A lot more to come inside my upcoming membership opportunity called The Hand Head & Heart Collective.