Get to know that hands, head, and heart of Alex Carmona, a master relief printmaker specializing in reduction woodcuts, wood carvings, and engravings. Alex served his country for ten years before he made the transition to full-time artist. His brand continues to grow by traveling the world to sell …
The Curated Craftsmen
9. Lyn Hiner Studios
Get to know the hands, head and heart behind Lyn Hiner, an accomplished fine artist whose pallet knife paintings of florals and automobiles have been featured and collected all over the world, from Beverly Hills, California, to Japan and Saudi Arabia. After studying art at the Pratt Institute in …
8. Pinstripe Chris Dunlop | Artist
Get to know the hands, head, and heart behind Pinstripe Chris Dunlop, an automotive design and render artist. Chris attributes his artistic style using sharpie markers, airbrushing techniques, and pinstriping to his beginning career as an automotive painter where he was officially dubbed "Pinstripe …